D.I.Y Dip kits
You may have seen videos of hydro dipping online, looks easy right? Well now you can have a go at home. We are now selling Dip kits, these contain 3m of film, the activator and a thermometer. All instructions are below. The kits are £30 and can be picked up at one of our shows or ordered online.
Important Information for Film Storage
Keep your hydrographic Film in a cool and dry place.
Step One: Choosing the right size Dipping container.
Make sure your container is deep enough to fully submerge the item, there is enough room to move it around without touching the sides and you will not displace all the water when you put it in
Possible containers include your sink, bath tub or washing up bowl. Just make sure you wash them after use!
Step Two: Preparation of your part.
First thing to do is make sure that the item you are looking to dip can be submerged into water for at least 10 seconds. DO NOT dip any electrical parts or items that can’t be completely submerged into water for 10 seconds. DO NOT dip any items that absorb water.
After determining you can hydro dip your part the next step is to clean your part using a degreaser. After cleaning your part use sandpaper or scotch pad to key the item that it has a dulled and non-glossy finish. Step Three: Taping your Part
For any area that you do not want dipped, you will need to tape that area off. Where ever you apply the tape that area will not receive the paint or print. We recommend taping over any large holes, such as the gaps in a centre console as the water will rush through these too quickly and stretch the pattern.
Step Four: Painting Your Part
All films will show colour underneath, if you don’t want the original colour of your item to show through then you will need to paint it.
Step Five: Hydrographic Film Preparation
Warning: Keep water away from your film. All water transfer printing film is water soluble and should be kept dry and away from high humidity environments. If the hydrographic film gets wet prior to dipping, the film will not process properly.
Decide how much film you will need, be sure to take into account for curves, roundness, 3-dimensional shapes, and angles. Use additional film if in doubt.
The film will expand once it is put into water, if your container is significantly bigger then the film then we recommend taping around the edges with masking tape.
Step Six: Dipping preparation
Fill your dipping container with water. The temperature of your water should be approximately 30 degrees Celcius. The film needs to be placed on the water a certain way. To test which side lays face down on the water you can wet your index finger and your thumb. The side of the Hydrographic film that sticks the most is placed facing down. Prior to dipping you can lightly wipe any dust and or debris from the part..
Step Seven: Dipping. The best bit!
A) Place your prepared film On top of the water in a floating manner with the proper side down. It is very important that you place the film on TOP of the water, and do not submerge any part of the film under the water at this time. The best way to place the film on the water is by grabbing two opposite side corners and placing the film in a sling type position. This will allow you to slowly place the film on the water with the center of the film touching down in the water first. Slowly placing the hydrographic film on the water in this manner will help reduce air bubbles. If you do see air bubbles under the film you can gently push them to the edge of the film with your finger. Another method is to blow them to the edge.
B) Let the film float on the water for about 50-70 seconds to allow the film to hydrate. This time period will depend on your water temp. Typically films will appear to shrink up slightly this is normal. If you notice any large areas that are bunched you can gently manipulate that area with a finger.
C) Spray a nice even coat of ACTIVATOR about 10” above the film.
When the film is completely activated, the film will typically have a glassy look.
The Film Pattern will not reach any area that is covered by any part of your hand or gloves.
D) As you dip your part, slowly submerge it at a 30-45 degree angle to avoid air pockets. Try to keep your part at the same angle as you submerge it. Some parts may call for different techniques of dipping. (
Once the project is completely submerged, slowly shake the part in a circular pattern to disperse the excess film in the dipping container.
E) Remove your part from the water.
F)After dipping your part it should be washed with semi warm to slightly cold water until the part is free of any slippery/slimy residue..
Step Eight: Clear Coat
Once the part is completely dry we recommend applying a clear coat or lacquer to protect the paint